Explaining fish consumption behavior in Sri-Lanka: the role of consideration set size, attitude, knowledge, convenience orientation, price consciousness, and variety seeking tendency
Pethiyagoda NA* and Olsen SO
Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna, Mapalana, Kamburupitiya, Sri Lanka
This study focuses on how and why consumers vary, know and consider different kind of alternatives of fish in their diet. Consideration set size of fish is considered to be affected by consumer attitude, convenience orientation, knowledge, variety seeking tendency and price consciousness in Sri-Lankan context. Thus, it was to investigate how these variables affect the formation of consideration set size. The questionnaire survey was carried out in Galle district in Sri-Lanka with 250 respondents. The confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling in Amos 16.0 were used as statistical analysis tool. It was found that significant positive relationship between consideration set size and fish consumption frequency. Further, this study has found significant positive relationships between knowledge and consideration set size, between variety seeking tendency, variety seeking related to food and between convenience orientation and consideration set size. Further, price consciousness related to food has a negative significant impact on consideration set size. Food marketers should advocate that consumers consider many kind of fish species to increase their consumption of fish. Set size increases through the consumer knowledge variable. Thus, manufacturer can educate the consumers with new spices and meals to increase their consideration set size as a marketing strategy.
Key words: Consideration set size, attitude, convenience orientation, knowledge, variety seeking tendency, price consciousness, fish consumption
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